

Colour poem   W.A.L.T We learnt how to create a colour poem by comparing your favourite colour or any color to something that the color is and using the five senses. I enjoyed coming up with different stuff to compare to blue and thinking of things that rhyme or make sense with it. Next time I want to come up with an different color and describe it more with unique stuff that exist in this world. what color would you do?

Media platforms

Media   today we learnt what and why the media is used so much and how much time we spend on the media. We use the media to communicate with friends and to watch entertainment and content which can earn you money or become famous. on the negative side of the media there can be viruses, scammers and the biggest of all cyber bullying. Next time I want to create better and interesting questions because I ran out of time. What medias do you like?

Interview with ben

Interview WALT:We are learning how to use screencastify and interview each other while asking 3 questions about technology. I enjoyed answering the questions without hesitating and coming up with unique answers for the questions. Next time I want to be able to ask more questions and be able to use screencastify with no problem. What would you do for your 3 questions?

My sister

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="960" height="569" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe> WALT: We are learning how to do a piece of simile writing. I really enjoyed describing my sister in very unique ways by comparing her to an clown. Next time I want to come up with an awesome object and have more descriptive words about an family member. What person and object would you do?

bubble art

Walt: We are learning to create bubble art about lockdown During this i enjoyed getting images and putting them in bubbles Next time i want to improve on making everything fit probably How would create your bubble art?

Matariki animation

  Matariki animation We are learning how to create an animation but it has to be a matariki animation because it is matariki week soon. Something I found challenging was that I didn't know what I was doing until I came up with an idea. Something I did that was good was that I made the world go smaller and blow up using my imagination. Next time I want to make my animation a lot more funny, longer and try to make it a story that I know or understand about. What would your matariki animation be?

Diamante Poem

  Walt: We are learning how to do a antonym diamante poem and come up with with interesting nouns, verbs and adjectives for the word we pick and the antonym of it. I found it difficult trying to find interesting words for the adjective and verb sections. Next time I want to find even more interesting words and find some more words and their antonyms. What antonym diamante would you do?